Understanding Recurring Illnesses in Children A Paediatrician’s Perspective

Illnesses in Children

As the seasons transition and sniffles and coughs become prevalent, parents find themselves increasingly concerned about their children’s health. Recurring illnesses prompt questions about immunity, preventive measures, and the underlying reasons for frequent sickness. Let’s delve into these concerns and explore strategies to minimize illness recurrence and enhance overall well-being.

Common Childhood Illnesses

Children are susceptible to various viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungal infections. As a paediatrician, I often encounter the following common illnesses in my clinic:

Viral Infections

Viruses such as Flu, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and even Covid, albeit less severe now, are prevalent among children. It’s crucial to note that viral infections typically do not require antibiotics.

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections like Streptococcus (strep throat), Mycoplasma, and Staph infections necessitate antibiotic treatment.

Parasitic and Fungal Infections

Parasitic infections like worms and head lice, along with fungal infections such as Ringworms of the skin, are also common occurrences.

Contributing Factors to Recurring Illnesses

Several environmental and lifestyle factors contribute to increased susceptibility to infections:

  • Increased Travel: The UAE’s diverse population often travels internationally, leading to the spread of infections in nurseries, schools, and crowded areas.
  • Indoor Living: Extreme summer heat prompts indoor living, facilitating the transmission of infections.
  • Air Conditioning Usage: Excessive reliance on air conditioning and artificial ventilation systems can exacerbate indoor air quality issues.
  • Lack of Rain: Limited rainfall reduces natural air cleansing, potentially exacerbating pollution-related health risks.

Protective Factors Against Infections

Conversely, certain factors help mitigate the risk of infections:

  • Favorable Weather: The UAE’s favorable climate encourages outdoor activities and beach living, promoting overall well-being.
  • Young Population: A predominantly young population may exhibit greater resilience against infections.
  • Hygiene Practices: The UAE’s high standards of hygiene and sanitation contribute to lower infection rates.
  • Accessible Healthcare: Easy access to healthcare services helps manage infections effectively and minimize complications.

Understanding Early Childhood Infections

It’s widely acknowledged that children, particularly infants and those attending nurseries or schools, are prone to frequent viral infections. During the initial months of nursery enrollment, children may experience an average of one infection every four to six weeks. These infections often manifest as wet coughs, which can persist for several weeks.

Managing Symptoms and Promoting Wellness

Parents often feel overwhelmed by their child’s persistent cough and seek medical intervention. However, it’s essential to understand that most viral infections resolve on their own without specific treatment. Instead, focus on natural remedies and lifestyle practices to support your child’s recovery:

  • Avoid Cough Syrups: Refrain from using cough syrups in children. Opt for natural alternatives like honey (for children over one year), lemon, and fresh oranges to soothe cough symptoms.
  • Embrace Healthy Living: Encourage healthy habits such as nutritious diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to bolster your child’s immune system.
  • Limit Screen Time: Minimize screen time for children under two years old and restrict older children’s screen time to no more than half an hour per day.

Empowering Children Through Sports

Finally, I recommend introducing sporting activities into your child’s routine from an early age. Participation in self-defence sports, team sports, and swimming not only promotes physical fitness but also instills discipline and resilience in children.

In conclusion, recurring illnesses in children are often a natural part of their developmental journey. By understanding the factors contributing to these infections and implementing preventive measures and healthy lifestyle practices, parents can support their children’s well-being and resilience against illness.